buckle series begins Jan 1 2024
Compete in 2 challenges this year to qualify for awards!
Trail Ride Challenges
A horse and rider (or leader) pair will accumulate ride hours by riding, showing, driving, lunging, or leading your horse. Any time spent working with or training a horse will count towards the hours. Stall cleaning, grooming, hauling, feeding, and general caring for your horse WILL NOT count towards trail hours. Members accumulate hours for year-end awards and Buckle Series. All Leaving Hoofprints Trail Ride Challenges qualify for Premier Mount N Trail Association year-end awards for PMT members.
Double Point Pop-Ups
Random pop-up dates allow participants to instantly double their time spent doing qualifying activities! These special point days may be posted on the website, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok! Random days will be chosen and are meant to inspire you to get out and spend time with your horses, friends and of course to RIDE!
Ride for a Reason
HOPE offers three 10 week, 40-hour, youth and adult equine assisted personal growth program focused on building life skills through the study of horse behavior and natural horsemanship per year. Veterans, 1st Responders, their families and Kids in Care participate at NO COST to them! In addition we offer partial scholarship to other families in need. We are able to do this thanks to the Orlandini Foundation, our Sponsors & Volunteers!
A donation is made from every challenge to help keep these programs FREE to participants! Thank you for your support!
Start whenever you would like!
Fee: $35. Includes challenge T-shirt.
Participants who submit their completed challenge times
achieving the qualifying hours will receive an award patch!
A donation is made to HOPE's EAS programs from each challenge!
Qualifying Miles/Hours: ​Winter 25 Spring 50, Summer & Fall 100
Timeframe: Accumulate points the entire duration of each
Winter: January 1 - March 18
Spring: March 19 - June 20
Summer: June 21 - September 22
Fall: September 22 - December 15
Buckle Series:
Members only accumulate points for year end awards, click here to join now!
To qualify for the Buckle Series participants must compete in at least 2 challenges.
Grand Champion is high point for the year and receives a buckle!
Additional prizes awarded for Reserve Champion - 5th.
Log your points online here or click on the link below.
You choose trails in your area! Trails can be repeated!
Challenges are on the honor system so be true to yourself
and other competitors.
How to Register for Challenges:
1) Complete a LHTC Buckle Series Form
Membership is not required in Buckle Series to participate in challenges.
Members only qualify for year end awards.
2) Sign up for a challenge on the right!
4) Start riding and earn points!
1 mile = 1 point
1 hour = 1 point
Watch for special Double Point Pop-Ups!
2024 Leaving Hoofprints Trail Ride Challenges & Events
HOPE is excited to announce our partnership with Premier Mount N Trail Association for Leaving Hoofprints Trail Challenge Events! All Leaving Hoofprints Trail Challenges qualify for Premier Mount N Trail Association year-end awards for PMT members. Your LHTC Trail RIDE points can count towards PMT year end awards! Some points may qualify slightly different so be sure to review their rules to ensure you submit qualifying points.